Jiajia Su has a PhD in Linguistics from McGill University. Her research is focused on linguistic universals and variation, in the domains of phonetics/phonology, morpho-syntax, L2 acquisition, and specifically under the framework of Generative Linguistics.
Selected publications [代表作]
Journal articles [期刊论文]
Su, J. 2024. L2 acquisition of classifier reduplication in Chinese. Lingua: 1-24. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lingua.2024.103736 (SSCI)
苏佳佳,王文斌. 2023. 多语种汉外对比视角下的汉语“们”.《外语教学》,(3),15-22. (被人大复印资料《语言文字学》2023年第10期全文转载) [Su, J. & W. Wang. 2023. A multi-lingual contrastive study of the Chinese -men. Foreign Language Education 44 (3): 15-22.] (CSSCI)
Su, J. 2022. L2 acquisition of the Chinese plural marker -men by English and Korean speakers. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism: 1-30. https://doi.org/10.1075/lab.21025.su (SSCI)
苏佳佳. 2021. 基于语音语料库的韩语塞音VOT变异研究.《外语教学与研究》,(5),656-668. [Su, J. 2021. Variability in VOTs of Korean stops: A speech corpus study. Foreign Language Teaching and Research 53 (5): 656-668.] (CSSCI)
Goad, H., L. White, G. Garcia, N. Guzzo, M. Mortazavinia, L. Smeets, J. Su. 2020. Pronoun interpretation in Italian: Assessing the effects of prosody. Words 2(1): 12-14.
Su, J. 2019. Reassembly of plural and human features in the L2 acquisition of Chinese by adult Korean speakers. Second Language Research 35(4): 529-555. (SSCI)
于善志,苏佳佳. 2011. There be 存在句习得中的定指效应研究.《外语教学与研究》, (5),712-725. [Yu, S. & J. Su. 2011. The definiteness effect in the L2 English of Chinese learners. Foreign Language Teaching and Research 43 (5): 712-725.] (CSSCI)
于善志,林立红,苏佳佳. 2011. 二语习得中多选现象的句法解释.《外语教学》, (1),46-50. [Yu, S., L. Lin & J. Su. 2011. A syntactic account of optionality in second language acquisition. Foreign Language Education 32 (1): 46-50.] (CSSCI)
林立红,苏佳佳. 2011. 最简方案视角下的There存在句研究.《宁波大学学报》(人文科学版), (4),59-63. [Lin, L. & J. Su. 2011. A minimalist analysis of existential sentences with there-insertion. Journal of Ningbo University (Liberal Arts Edition) 24 (4): 59-63.]
于善志,苏佳佳. 2011. 语料库方法与二语习得研究现状述评.《宁波大学学报》(教育科学版), (3),1-4. [Yu, S. & J. Su. 2011. The application of corpus approach in SLA research. Journal of Ningbo University (Educational Science Edition) 33 (3): 1-4.]
Proceeding papers [论文集论文]
White, L., H. Goad, J. Su, L. Smeets, M. Mortazavinia, G. Garcia, N. Guzzo. 2017. Prosodic effects on pronoun interpretation in Italian. Proceedings of the 41st Boston University Conference on Language Development (pp. 744-752). http://www.lingref.com/bucld/41/BUCLD41-60.pdf.
苏佳佳,于善志. 顺应论视角下的《论语》对话解读. 《文体学研究:探索与应用》. 2012. 417-422. 上海:上海外语教育出版社. [Su, J. & S. Yu. 2012. An adaptable analysis of the dialogues in The Analects. Stylistics: Exploration and Application. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.]
Conference presentations [会议论文]
White, L., H. Goad, G. Garcia, N. Guzzo, L. Smeets, J. Su. 2022. Pronoun interpretation in L2 English and L1 Italian: effects of stress. Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition (GALA 15), Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany, September 2022.
White, L., H. Goad, G. Garcia, N. Guzzo, L. Smeets, J. Su. 2022. Effects of stress on pronoun interpretation in L2 English. European Second Language Association (EuroSLA 31), Université de Fribourg, Switzerland, August 2022.
White, L., H. Goad, G. Garcia, N. Guzzo, L. Smeets, J. Su. 2022. Determining prosodic effects in L2 grammars: effectiveness of different methodologies. Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition (GASLA 16), Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, May 2022.
Goad, H., L. White, G. Garcia, N. Guzzo, M. Mortazavinia, L. Smeets, J. Su. 2018. Pronoun interpretation in L2 Italian: prosodic effects revisited. The 8th biennial conference on Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition - North America (GALANA 8), Indiana University in Bloomington, USA, September 2018.
Su, J. 2018. Feature reassembly in the L2 acquisition of Chinese. Symposium on Second Language Acquisition in Honour of Lydia White, McGill University, Canada, August 2018.
White, L., H. Goad, G. Garcia, N. Guzzo, M. Mortazavinia, L. Smeets, J. Su. 2018. How prosody affects L2 processing: Pronoun interpretation in L2 Italian. The 2nd International Symposium on Bilingual and L2 Processing in Adults and Children (ISBPAC-TU). Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany, May 2018.
Goad, H., L. White, G. Garcia, N. Guzzo, M. Mortazavinia, L. Smeets, J. Su. 2017. Pronoun interpretation in Italian: assessing the effects of prosody. The 5th Experimental Psycholinguistics Conference (EPC), Menorca, Spain, June 2017.
Goad, H., L. White, G. Garcia, N. Guzzo, M. Mortazavinia, L. Smeets, J. Su. 2017. Pronoun interpretation in L2 Italian: effects of pause and stress. The 14th biennial conference on Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition (GASLA 14), University of Southampton, UK, April 2017.
Sonderegger, M., M. McAuliffe, J. Bozic, C. Bruno, S. Cowley, J. Lamontange, B. Jiang, M. Schwarz, J. Su. 2017. Laryngeal timing across seven languages: phonetic data and their relationship to phonological feature. Linguistic Society of America 2017 Annual Meeting, Austin, USA, January 2017.
Su, J. 2016. Feature reassembly in the L2 acquisition of Chinese. Canadian Linguistic Association 2016 Annual Meeting, University of Calgary, Canada, May 2016.
Su, J. 2015. On the ‘Numeral Classifier de Noun’ construction in Mandarin Chinese. Montreal-Ottawa-Toronto-Hamilton Syntax Workshop, University of Ottawa, Canada, February 2015.
Su, J. 2013. The definiteness effect in the L2 English of Chinese learners. Psychoshorts Conference, University of Ottawa, Canada, March 2013.
Grants [课题]
主持国家语委研究基地项目“服务于推普的我国少数民族地区多语能力评价研究”(ZDI145-59),在研中。[Assessing the multilingual competence of ethnic minorities in China, funded by State Language Commission of China.]
Teaching [教学]
As course instructor [讲师]
研究生课程 [Graduate courses]:
语音学与音系学 [Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology]
二语习得 [Second Language Acquisition]
理论语言学 [Theoretical Linguistics]
As teaching assistant [助教]
Winter 2016 Syntax 1, Department of Linguistics, McGill University
Instructor: Lisa Travis
Fall 2015 Introduction to the Study of Language, Department of Linguistics, McGill
Instructor: Meaghan Fowlie
Winter 2015 Syntax 1, Department of Linguistics, McGill University
Instructor: Lisa Travis
Fall 2014 Introduction to the Study of Language, Department of Linguistics, McGill
Instructor: Lauren Clemens
Academic service [学术服务]
As journal article reviewer [期刊审稿]
Second Language Research (SSCI), Applied Psycholinguistics (SSCI)
As conference abstract reviewer [会议审稿]
2017-2020 Second Language Research Forum (SLRF)
2014 Joint meeting of Montreal-Ottawa-Laval-Toronto Phonology Workshop and Montreal-Ottawa-Toronto-Hamilton Syntax Workshop (MOLTH)
2014 McGill Canadian Conference for Linguistics Undergraduates (McCCLU)
As organizing committee member [组织会议]
2015 22nd Meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA 22)
2014-2015 McGill Linguistics Colloquium Series
2014 Joint meeting of Montreal-Ottawa-Laval-Toronto Phonology Workshop and Montreal-Ottawa-Toronto-Hamilton Syntax Workshop (MOLTH)
Awards [获得奖项]
2019 Doctoral Internship Award, Graduate and Post-doctoral Studies, McGill University
2018 Graduate Scholar Stipend Award, Center of Research on Brain, Language and Music, McGill University
2018 Graduate Mobility Award, Graduate and Post-doctoral Studies, McGill University
2017 Schull Yang International Experience Award, Faculty of Arts, McGill University
2016 Travel Award, Canadian Linguistics Association
2013-2018 麦吉尔大学语言学系全额奖学金
2012 浙江省普通高等学校优秀毕业生