Professor, Ph.D.
Deputy Director of the National Research Centre for Foreign Language Education, and Director of the Multilingual Corpus Research Centre, Artificial Intelligence and Human Languages Lab, Beijing Foreign Studies University
Research interests: Corpus Linguistics, Second Language Acquisition, Contrastive Linguistics and Translation Studies, Discourse Studies
Education [教育经历]
Ph.D. (2006). Beijing Foreign Studies University specialising in discourse analysis [博士 2006 北京外国语大学 中国外语教育研究中心(话语分析)]
M.A. (2002).University of Science and Technology of China specialising in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics [硕士 2002 中国科学技术大学 外语系(外国语言学及应用语言学)]
B.A. (1999). Anhui Normal University specialising in English education. [本科 1999 安徽师范大学 外语系(英语教育)]
Experience [工作经历]
2006-present: Lecturer to full professor at the National Research Centre for Foreign Language Education, Beijing Foreign Studies University [北京外国语大学中国外语与教育研究中心专职研究员]
2017-2018: Fulbright Visiting Scholar at San Diego State University, USA [美国圣地亚哥州立大学福布赖特访问学者]
2008-2009: Post-doctorate researcher at Department of Linguistics and English Language, Lancaster University, UK [英国兰卡斯特大学语言学系博士后研究员]
Courses [讲授课程]
Introduction to Corpus Linguistics [语料库语言学导论]
Research Methods in Corpus Linguistics [语料库语言学研究方法]
Language and Big Data [语言与大数据]
Topics in Corpus Linguistics [语料库语言学前沿]
Computer Applications in Applied Linguistics [应用语言学研究计算机基础]
Introduction to Discourse Studies [话语研究导论]
Publications [学术成果]
Monographs and edited volumes [专著、编著]
-许家金,(准备中)《英语语料库语言学》(English Corpus Linguistics)。北京:商务印书馆。
-许家金(准备中),《语料库语言学史》(The History of Corpus Linguistics)。北京:外语教学与研究出版社。
许家金、赵冲、孙铭辰,2024,《大语言模型的外语教学与研究应用》(Applications of Large Language Models in Foreign Language Teaching and Research)。北京:外语教学与研究出版社。【配套网页】
-许家金等,2023,《语料库研究方法》(Research Methods in Corpus Linguistics)。北京:外语教学与研究出版社。【配套网页】
-许家金,2020,《语料库与中国学习者英语口语研究》(Corpora and Chinese Learners' Spoken English)。北京:外语教学与研究出版社。【配套网页】
-许家金,2019,《语料库与话语研究》(Corpora and Discourse Studies)。北京:外语教学与研究出版社。【配套网页 】
-许家金,2009,《青少年汉语口语中话语标记的话语功能研究》(The Use of Discourse Markers in Spoken Chinese of Urban Teenagers)。北京:外语教学与研究出版社。
-梁茂成、李文中、许家金,2010,《语料库应用教程》(Using Corpora: A Practical Coursebook)。北京:外语教学与研究出版社。
Dictionaries compiled using corpus methodology [基于语料库的词典编纂]
-Xu, Jiajin & Xin Feng (ed.). (forthcoming). New Era Vocational English Word Book: Nursing English. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. [许家金、冯欣(主编)(待出)《新时代职业英语护理英语词汇手册》。北京:外语教学与研究出版社。]
-Xu, Jiajin (ed.). (forthcoming). New Era Vocational English Word Book: Railway Transport English. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. [许家金(主编)(待出)《新时代职业英语铁道交通英语词汇手册》。北京:外语教学与研究出版社。]
-Xu, Xiuling & Jiajin Xu (eds.). (2022). New Era Vocational English Word Book: Hydraulic English. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. [徐秀玲、许家金(主编),2022,《新时代职业英语水利英语词汇手册》。北京:外语教学与研究出版社。]
-Xu, Jiajin (ed.). (2022). New Era Vocational English Word Book: Sports English. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. [许家金(主编),2022,《新时代职业英语体育英语词汇手册》。北京:外语教学与研究出版社。]
-Xu, Jiajin (ed.). (2020). New Era Vocational English Word Book: Hotel English. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. [许家金(主编),2020,《新时代职业英语酒店英语词汇手册》。北京:外语教学与研究出版社。]【配套网页Companion Website】
-Xu, Jiajin (ed.). (2005). A Bilingual Dictionary of Frequently Used Foreign Words and Phrases in English. Hefei: Anhui Science and Technology Press. [许家金(主编),2005,《英语常用外来语双解辞典》。合肥:安徽科技出版社。]
Peer-reviewed articles [学术论文]
Forthcoming/in press/accepted English articles (ORCID: 0000-0003-3454-9352)
Xu, Jiajin & Hui Kang* (aop). Critical contingency competition in L2 clause positioning acquisition: The case of concessive clause by Chinese EFL learners. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory. DOI: 10.1515/cllt-2023-0068
Chen, Songyun, Jiajin Xu* & Xin Feng (aop). Sub-disciplinary variation of metadiscursive verb patterns in English research articles. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching. DOI: 10.1515/iral-2022-0232
Chen, Songyun & Jiajin Xu* (online first). Interdisciplinary variations of metadiscursive verb patterns in English research articles. International Journal of Applied Linguistics. DOI:10.1111/ijal.12517
Published English articles
Xu, Jiajin, Guying Zhou, Ruchen Yu, Xinlu Liu, Yuanyuan Wei and Suhua Zhang (2024). A cross-linguistic study of journalistic phraseology. In A. Čermáková, H. Hasselgård, M. Malá & D. Šebestová (eds.). Contrastive Corpus Linguistics: Patterns in Lexicogrammar and Discourse. London: Bloomsbury.
Zhang, Dong & Jiajin Xu*. (2023). Dative alternation in Chinese: A mixed-effects logistic regression analysis. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 28(4): 559-585. DOI: 10.1075/ijcl.21086.zha.
Xu, Jiajin (2023). A historical overview of using corpora in English language teaching. R. Jablonkai & E. Csomay (eds.). The Routledge Handbook of Corpora in English Language Teaching and Learning. London: Routledge. DOI :10.4324/9781003002901-3
Xu, Jiajin & Zhaoxia Liu* (2022). The ordering of relative clauses and determiner phrases in Chinese interlanguage: A multifactorial study. Corpora 17(SI): 43-60.
Xu, Jiajin & Hui Kang* (2022). Salience-simplification strategy to markedness of causal subordinators: The case of "because" and "since" in argumentative essays. Lingua 272 (June): 1-19.
Kang, Hui. & Jiajin Xu*. 2021. A multifactorial analysis of concessive clause positioning. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics 28(4): 356-380. DOI:10.1080/09296174.2020.1737488 [让步状语从句位序选择的多因素分析]
Xu, Jiajin & Jialei Li*. 2021. A syntactic complexity analysis of translated English across genres. Across Languages and Cultures 22(2): 214-232. DOI:10.1556/084.2021.00015 [翻译英语句法复杂度的体裁变异研究]
Ji, Meng, Stefan Jensen, Jiajin Xu, and Yunlong Jia. 2020. A corpus study of sustainability translation and communication in China using multilingual environmental terminologies. In Meng Ji (ed.). Translating and Communicating Environmental Cultures. London: Routledge.
Xu, Jiajin. 2019. The corpus approach to the teaching and learning of Chinese as an L1 and an L2 in retrospect. In X. Lu & B. Chen (eds.). Computational and Corpus Approaches to Chinese Language Learning (pp. 33-53). Singapore: Springer. [语料库方法在汉语作为母语和外语教学中的应用]
Xu, Jiajin. 2017. Discourse markers. In Rint Sybesma (ed.).Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics (Volume 2). Leiden: Brill. 95-99. [“话语标记”载于《汉语及汉语语言学百科》]
Xu, Jiajin. 2015. Corpus-based Chinese studies: A historical review from the 1920s to the present. Chinese Language and Discourse 6(2): 218-244. [汉语语料库语言学史]
Xu, Jiajin & Xiaochen Li. 2014. Structural and semantic non-correspondences between Chinese splittable compounds and their English translations: A Chinese-English parallel corpus based study. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 10(1): 79-101. [基于汉英平行语料库的离合词及英译的结构和语义不对应研究]
Xu, Jiajin & Maocheng Liang. 2013. A tale of two C's: Comparing English varieties with Crown and CLOB (The 2009 Brown family corpora). ICAME Journal 37: 175-183. [双C记:运用2009年布朗家族语料库Crown及CLOB进行语言变体对比]
Siewierska, Anna, Jiajin Xu* & Richard Xiao. 2010. Bang-le yi ge da mang (offered a big helping hand): A corpus study of the splittable compounds in spoken and written Chinese. Language Sciences 32(4): 464-487. [“帮了一个大忙”:基于口语和书面语语料库的汉语离合词研究]
Book reviews in English
中文论文(Published Chinese articles)
唯一、第一作者论文(Single- and first-author Chinese articles)
非第一作者论文(Non-first-author Chinese articles)
书刊评介 (Book reviews in Chinese)
语料库开发 (Corpora developed)
教材、教辅 (English textbooks)
许家金(参编),2004,《大学英语全新版·听说教程6(教师用书)》 (李萌涛主编)。上海:上海外语教育出版社。
张光前(主编),2002,《校园英语会话》。合肥:安徽科技出版社。 许家金撰写其中3章,约3万字。
报纸文章 (Newspaper article)
翻译 (Translation into English)
其他(学术札记、资料等)(Miscellaneous, including encyclopedia entries, editorial note, newsletters edited, interviews and collated linguistic bibiography and glossary)
研究项目 (Projects undertaken)
在研 (On-going)
结项 (Completed)
主持2012年国家社科基金青年项目“基于双语语料库的汉语复杂动词结构英译研究”(编号:12CYY060 )
获奖情况 (Honours and awards)
会议、讲座 (Conference presentations and invited talks)
Xu, Jiajin. 2016. A syntactic complexity analysis of translational English across genres. Paper presented at the Third Asia Pacific Corpus Linguistics Conference (APCLC2016).
Xu, Jiajin. 2015. Longer yet simpler sentences: A syntactic complexity analysis of translational English newswire texts. Paper presented at the CoLTA2015 conference, HKIEd, Hong Kong. 16-18, December.
许家金,2015,“语料库语用学”的名与实(The name and nature of Corpus Pragmatics),第十四届全国语用学研讨会暨第九届中国逻辑学会语用学研究分会年会大会发言,2015年10月24-25日,安徽大学。
Xu, Jiajin & Maocheng Liang. 2015. Translation as an activity of lexical underspecification through the semantic lenses. In Federica Formato & Andrew Hardie (eds.). Proceedings of Corpus Linguistics 2015. Lancaster: UCREL, 21-24 July.
Xu, Jiajin. 2015. Chinese corpus torch relay: From LCMC to ToRCH2009. Presented at the Seminar Perspectives on Chinese: Talks in Honour of Richard Xiao. Lancaster University, 30 January.
Xu, Jiajin. 2014. How can frequency inform the re-conceptualisation of the socio-psychological construct of "human needs"? Paper presented at Second Asia Pacific Corpus Linguistics Conference (APCLC 2014). Hong Kong, 7-9 March.
Xu, Jiajin & Lu Lu. 2013. The structural and semantic analysis of the English translation of Chinese light verb constructions: A parallel corpus-based study. In Andrew Hardie & Robbie Love (eds.). Proceedings of Corpus Linguistics 2013. Lancaster: UCREL, 23-26 July.
Xu, Jiajin & Yunlong Jia. 2013. PowerConc: An R-gram based corpus analysis tool. Paper presented at American Association of Corpus Linguistics 2013 (AACL2013) Conference. San Diego, CA., 18-20 January.
Xu, Jiajin. 2009. Corpus informed approach to Canonical Typology: With special reference to splittable compounds in Mandarin. Paper presented at Creating Infrastructure for Canonical Typology Conference. University of Surrey, Surrey, 9-10 January.
Xu, Jiajin. 2003. Problems and coping strategies of speech data collection. In Huizhong Yang et al. (eds.) Proceedings of Corpus Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching. Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, 25-27 October.
学术兼职 (Other academic responsibilities and professional obligations)
亚太语料库语言学研究会执委会成员 (Executive board member of the Asia-Pacific Corpus Linguistics Association steering committee)
中国英汉语比较研究会语料库语言学专业委员会秘书长(Secretary general of Corpus Linguistics Society of China)
《语料库语言学》主编(2014-2016,2018-)(Chief editor of Corpus Linguistics, the official journal of the Corpus Linguistics Society of China)
中国英汉语比较研究会语料库翻译学专业委员会副会长(2019-)(Vice chairman of the Corpus-based Translation Studies Association of China)
Scientific committee member of the 10th International Contrastive Linguistics Conference (ICLC-10, 2023) hosted by the Leibniz Institute for the German Language (IDS) in Mannheim, Germany
Programme committee member of Corpus Linguistics 2023 hosted by Lancaster University, UK
Scientific committee member of the conference of New trends in Chinese as a Second Language (2023), Lancaster University, UK
Asia Pacific Journal of Corpus Research (APJCR), editorial board member
Journal of China Computer-assisted Language Learning (Mouton de Gruyter), editorial board member
Cognitive Linguistics (Mouton de Gruyter), reviewer
Corpora (Edinburgh University Press), reviewer
Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory (Mouton de Gruyter), reviewer
Digital Scholarship in the Humanities (Oxford University Press), reviewer
Humanities & Social Sciences Communications (Springer Nature), reviewer
International Journal of Applied Linguistics (Wiley), reviewer
International Journal of Corpus Linguistics (John Benjamins), reviewer
Journal of Pragmatics (Elsevier), reviewer
Language (the journal of the Linguistic Society of America), reviewer
Languages in Contrast (John Benjamins), reviewer
Meta: Translators' Journal (Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal), reviewer
International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching (IJCALLT), reviewer
SKY Journal of Linguistics (the journal of the Linguistic Association of Finland), reviewer
Text and Talk (Mouton de Gruyter), reviewer
Palgrave Macmillan, book proposal reviewer
Routledge, book proposal reviewer
UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships(英国国家科研与创新署未来领导者基金项目)grant proposal reviewer
联系方式 (Postal address)